Citrus Fiber can be used as a nutritional supplement.

Citrus Fiber can be used as a nutritional supplement.

Jan 14 2021

1、Citrus Fiber's hesperetin has a vitamin P-like effect and is used in skin care products to prevent frostbite. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-virus, and has a certain antibacterial effect. When used in oral hygien

Citrus Fiber Benefits in Dairy Foods

Citrus Fiber Benefits in Dairy Foods

Dec 30 2020

Golden Health Citrus Fiber derived from Citrus (Pomelo) that your body can‘t digest or absorb, with excellent emulsfication ability and capacities of holding water as well as oil. These natural functiona

Which one is healthier between sugar and sweetener

Which one is healthier between sugar and sweetener

Dec 24 2020

Sugars are carbohydrates naturally present in foods, of course they can also be added as ingredients. Just like other carbohydrates, they are used as energy in the body. Adding a lot of sugar to your diet may lead to ins

The difference between sweetener, cyclamate and stevia

The difference between sweetener, cyclamate and stevia

Dec 17 2020

    sweetener is a general term for substances that can impart sweetness to food. Generally speaking, sweetener can be divided into nutritional sweetener and non-nutritive sweetener. The former has the same s

Introduction to several common Sweeteners

Introduction to several common Sweeteners

Nov 23 2020

Sweetener, as the name suggests, is a substance that adds sweetness to food, and it is also one of the most used food additives in foods all over the country. Let's briefly introduce several common Sweeteners as

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